Custom Made Ring - Ruby Red
When it comes to an engagement ring, don't believe the hype. Its not all about diamonds. The concept that an engagement ring needed to be a diamond ring was brought to us courtesy of DeBeers and a strategic marketing plan from the late 1940s. It was a very successful strategy that also brought us the eponymous phrase "A diamond is forever". Historically engagement rings were varied and featured different gemstones and styles and weren't limited to the diamond solitaire.
We're big fans of diamonds here at TJR but we'd all be missing out if we ignored the wealth of gemstones the earth has to offer. Recently we got to make a glorious ruby engagement ring with Jake C as a surprise engagement ring for his gal. She's a red lipstick loving blonde with gorgeous tattoos who would want something that would be bold, beautiful and eye catching. Jake spent time with us discussing her look, what she loves, what she hates, and together we came up with a curvaceous take on a halo ring. No straight lines. All swooping lines of diamonds to encase the rose-red ruby. Jake thought ahead and decided to get the wedding ring made at the same time so that it could follow the curves of the ruby engagement ring exactly. Clearly feeling confident that she'd say yes - "Fortune favors the Brave" Jake...
Have a look for yourself below at each ring and you'll see how they come together. In case you are wondering....she did say yes.....that's her arm in the photo :). I told you her tattoos were gorgeous too.....

If you are wondering how much should you spend on an engagement ring, watch this space for the next post when we'll be discussing (ranting) about how the "3 month salary" spend is perhaps an outmoded way to look at it (complete and utter BS).